Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stories about My Homeopathic 1st Aid Kit

Arnica Montana stories

Wounded Knee
The first time I remember using a homeopathic remedy was for a bruise I got when I hit my knee hard on a piece of furniture. I was not yet accustomed to reaching for a homeopathic remedy and my first thought was to put ice on the bruise. Now that is exactly what you should to to reduce swelling. But then I remembered my niece's hand in the car door and what her mother had used to help. I had purchased Arnica Montana gel, put it in a drawer in the bathroom and had forgotten about it until now. I rooted around in the drawer for a minute and came up with a small metal tube of Boericke & Tafel Arniflora. I put some gel on the sore location, waited until it appeared to dry, then put on some more. I reapplied the ice for 10 more minutes. Then I went about my business, and in doing so completely forgot about the injury. Later that night when I got ready for bed, I looked at my knee and noticed that there was no swelling or black and blue marks. The site was slightly tender to the touch, but that was all. I applied more Arnica and by morning even the tenderness was totally gone. It was as though it never happened. After that I always keep a couple of tubes around.

Pancake fingers (ouch!)
I have the very old windows in my house that use pins to keep the window up. They can be difficult to use sometimes, especially when the window gets stuck! Well, my fingers were smashed by one of these windows crashing down. After ascertaining, painfully, that they were not broken, I ran to the bathroom to find my tube of Arnica. While my hand was throbbing with pain, I  applied copious amounts to my poor fingers, then after a few moments I was able to get to the freezer and put some ice in a bowl.  I went back and forth between icing my fingers and applying Arnica gel. When the pain had totally subsided, about 30 - 40 minutes later, I flexed my fingers a little bit. They felt stiff but not too bad. I put the tube of Arnica in my pocket and then went back to doing what had been interrupted. I was so engrossed in my project that, again, I had all but forgotten that only hours before my fingers had been smashed by a heavy window. I reapplied the Arnica several more times that day. My fingers were not swollen and so I didn't use ice again. And again there were no black and blue marks.

The Wisdom of Arnica
About 6 years ago my dentist recommended that I have my wisdom teeth extracted. I had a lot of problems with them and the hygienist had a lot of difficulty cleaning them, and so did I, for that matter. So I set up an appointment with the surgeon for the extraction. 

My sister had had hers out many years ago and so I asked her about how it was, how long it took to heal, how she was able to eat, etc. She said that our mother (who had always been into natural foods - the original health nut!) had given her mega doses of vitamin C before and after the procedure. She had healed well and faster than usual, but that it had still had taken several weeks. But at that time none of us knew about Arnica. My sister recommended that I take an oral preparation of Arnica, as high a dose as I could get. Since I had been going to a holistic center with a homeopathic pharmacy, I was able to obtain a vial of Arnica 1M globules (little round sugar pills). I also had a vial of 200c Arnica in my homeopathic first aid kit. 

Prior to the procedure I took 5 globules of  Arnica 200c three times per day for two days. I also took about 8000 mg of vitamin C in divided doses on those days. On the day of the extraction I started taking the Arnica

The surgeon had given me several doses of codeine for pain, if I needed it, once the anesthetic wore off. I also had ibuprofen, if I preferred. Later on in the day I took the codeine and BOY was I sick. I had never taken it before and I wished I hadn't taken it then! I was dizzy and nauseous. What a mistake! When the effects of the codeine finally wore off I waited to see if I would feel any pain. You see, I don't like to take pain killers to begin with and will avoid it if possible (I took the codeine because I just assumed that I would start to feel pain. Never assume ANYTHING). Well, the pain never came. 

I carried on taking Arnica 1M for 3 or 4 days after and also continued with the mega doses of vitamin C. I went back to the surgeon one week after the extraction. When she examined me, she said it looked like I had been healing for two weeks, not one. She was amazed at the speed of my healing. I explained to her what I had done, using the Arnica and vitamin C. Fortunately she was open minded about this and very interested. The up shot of this is that I experienced very little discomfort while healing from the extraction. I healed in record time with no complications. I will use Arnica ANY time!

If you have any homeopathic success stories you'd like to tell, please post them here! Let's spread the word on how well homeopathy works!

1 comment:

Nights Work said...

Oops! I see I put this in the wrong post. Here is my story again.

I had uterine cancer 7 years ago now, and so the recommendation was for me to have a hysterectomy. Now, I am very much overweight and my doctors were concerned about how well I would heal. I've known about homeopathy for many years. A friend in the UK introduced it to me, especially arnica. I didn't do the vitamin C thing, I wish I had known, but in the end it really didn't matter. But I did do the same thing you did. But I could only find arnica 200c. I took it about 3 times the day before the actual surgery, then maybe 3 times the day of the surgery, before and as soon as I woke up I took it. I think I may have taken it again after that. I took it the whole time I spent recovering in the hospital and after I got home. Before I left the hospital my doctor said that she had never seen an incision so well healed after such a short period of time. Especially since they were so concerned about complications because of my weight. When I went back to see her a week later she was really impressed and said that the incision was very well healed. If I remember correctly the staples came out sooner than they would have. FYI - I did tell her before the surgery that I would be taking arnica. She was indifferent. I told her later that I healed so well because of the arnica, but she didn't seem to believe it. Oh well.

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